Saturday, December 25, 2010

I miss you

i miss my nsaj so much.
i hope she'll be here any moment from now on.
my only wish rite now is to see her :)

when is she coming around here?
i wanna meet her so badly :(

Friday, December 24, 2010

Rutin Harian.

hadoyy. aktiviti sama ja hari2 bosan teruk kot.
boleh dh kot cipta aktiviti lain.
selain dari permainan D.O.T.A
boring teruk dah kot. dah la aku main hari hari tapi aku duk noob lagi.
heran jugak la.

ni dia game dia. haha

ni pulak hero hero dia.
padan la.
sja aku tulis ni sbb taktau nk buat apa dah. hahaha

sekian. haha taktau gila weih nk btpa. haha

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rumah Unik Yaw!

Rumah Toilet

Rumah Terbalik

Rumah Sepatu

Rumah Kubus 

Crooked House

Hole House

Nama Tempat Paling Panjang Di Dunia


Tergeliat lidah??bhahaha!


Jika bersin terlalu kuat dapat meretakkan tulang iga. Jika mencuba menahan bersin, boleh mengalami pecah pembuluh nadi di kepala dan leher sehingga mengakibatkan kematian. Jika memaksa mata terbuka saat bersin, bola mata boleh melompat keluar.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Surat untuk kekasih…(putus cinta)

Tijah ingin memutuskan perhubungan dengan boyfriend orang putihnya…
Dia tak sanggup bertemu muka, Lalu dia pun mengutus surat…surat tu macam ni bunyinya…

Hi,My motive write this letter is to give know you something. I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US. I have think about this very cook. I know i clap one hand only.Correctly, i have see you and she together at town with my eyes self. You always request apology back back. I don’t trust you again!!!My Friend speak you play three wood.

Now i know you correct correct play three wood. so, i break off to pull my body from this love triangle.I know this result i pick is very correct, because you love she very high from me. so, i break off to go far from here. But i always love where also i live….Safe live……
